Wednesday, November 18, 2009


我们俩一直以来都很想上婚前课程只是遇不到机会。差不多在六月份的时候,我在报纸上看到第四届红毯两端可以报名了。我快快地去问你然而你也不考虑得就答应了。可我们却在七月头的时候才去还报名费 - RM50 一对。我们去那位负责人的家还钱的时候还迷路了。真可悲~~~

第四届红毯两端 《精明婚姻》

一个坚固和充满爱的家庭是始于夫妻之间融洽的关系。 在结婚之前,一对情侣必须拥有相关的知识和技巧。 踏入婚姻难免会面对各种的挑战和问题。 然而,我们必须两人一起和谐地解决以确保婚姻和家庭的健全。 容忍精神和成热度可以随著时间及上专家的辅导而加以掌握。 有鉴于此,国家人口及家庭发展局将与非政府组织,宗教团体及有兴趣者携手推广婚前教育课程以提供婚姻和家庭生活的知识,技巧学习和提示。

课程宗旨: 通过一下途径来加强婚姻关系和建立一个幸福美满的家庭:

  1. 协助新婚及将结婚者掌握相关的资讯和知识来面对婚后生涯的挑战。
  2. 为新婚及将结婚者提供提示和技巧学习。
  3. 为新婚及将结婚者建立一个中立平台以更深入了解和领悟双方的需求和需要。
课程介绍: 这是非一般的课程或讲座。 除了培训员带动之外,课程是以活泼,生动的游戏来贯穿。 培训员将带领你一同探索两性沟通相处,了解与互动的知识与技巧,学习如何了解异性,发展美丽的爱情,并且更加了解亲密关系的真蹄。 课程内容:
  1. 认识自己
  2. 澄清彼此对婚姻的期待
  3. 共同面对冲突及挑战
  4. 关系加油站
  5. 如何建立亲密的关系
  6. 家庭育财物
(copy from the register form)

第一天 (零九年七月十八号)
Today is the 1st day attending the pre-wedding course at Grand Continental Hotel. It is started from 1pm to 9.15pm. There are 20 couple attending the course. It is very fun and we do enjoy ourselves during the course and yet we also get to know few couple, especially the couple sit in front of us. They are a lovely couple. They are getting married on November this year and have their photo shooting at Jacky Studio. We do learn many things today. It also help me to understand my hubby more and how to improve our relationship by solving the problem out.

第二天 (零九年七月十九号)
Finish the course at 2pm sth...we have our certificate and also group photo. And we also choose our thank you gift "Wedding Day". Today, we get to know 4 couples include the one I mention on my previous post. They are also getting married soon. We exchange our handphone because we do hope to have the course for after marriage. So, we must have 10 couples in order to ask the organizer to organize the course for us. By the way, I just called one of my jimui - Connie. She said that she will have her bridesmaid dress MTM at Angela's place, with another jimui - Jennie. So happy to hear that. So, for the other jimui, I will buy the cloth from Angela and take for other dress maker - Kenyalang dress maker, coz some of my jimui MTM their dress there.

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